Once you are into IIT one thing you get for free is attention and a star status, this term star status is the only thing which can define what is the feeling once you are into IIT, there are several privileges. I got a feel of this once when i was in train, there came a police constable for regular check up round and asked everyone to open up their bags, he asked what was their professions and all details, i was sleeping he woke me up and asked what did i do, i said i was a student and he asked from which college i replied IIT, he said sleep no need to open your bag. I said well this is something i have not felt ever before, it was quite astounding to me, but it was real. This got me to thinking means all right we have the privilege but along with that comes responsibility if people are giving us this status its because we mean something more we have the onus open us to prove to the world, we have to contribute and also to give back something to the society and country as a whole. The other day i was joking with my friend and we drew a conclusion "We can talk utter rubbish but still people will atleast give it a thought." Well that statement as a prima facie is quite humorous but underneath it has a sense of privilege along with responsibility attached to it. We now have the privilege of speaking things and expressing thoughts which people will listen to and would follow, its not that we did not have this thoughts before, its just that now it has a sense of authenticity and credibility because of the institution we are affiliated to. So whatever we convey should be with a sense of responsibility. We had this excellent professor, whenever we would ask him a question he said you are now designers you are going to design things you are going to decide in what manner the thing works and you are the god for that product or whatever it might me. Whenever he use to say that it use to get me thinking cause in a way he was right. It was the privilege for us to decide the manner something would work and the manner in which people or the end user is going to use it and the facilities we would be giving him it was some sort of a power you have but it brings responsibility cause now people trust that you are going to design things and products which are not only going to be reliable but are also going to make their live more comfortable. So along with having the power to decide how will people use a product you also have the responsibility of fulfilling all their needs from that product. Last experience i had was when i attended this Pre-Placement Talk by BCG. Well although i have two years to go before i attend one i just attended it for having some experience of what a PPT is like and the company is all about, one of their senior executives started in a quite peculiar way, he said that "right now their is no room in the entire world which has more potential than this room here" then he went to explain that "this room has atleast 10-15 CEO of mnc's 10-15 people who are going to lead some NGO and atleast 15-20 people who are going to be senior executives in BCG itself" this was quite an experience for me. Well those people out their have a perception that we are the best minds in the country and also in the world. With this privilege we have the responsibility to make it count, we have to prove that whatever perception they have has to maintained and enhanced further, its upto us now to prove that we really are the best minds in the world.
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