Sunday, June 19, 2011


Valedictory function as they call is called VALFI in IIT lingo. This is the most important part for someone who is going to leave the campus. This is the time when everyone whom you have harrased or have treated badly is going to come at you all guns blazing and is going to tear you down to pieces to show what you really are. This is where all your friends will grill you for anything that you have done during your stay at institute. This function reveals the true identity of what you are to your friends and to you as well. Everyone chips in to add a detail or two and although it is garnished with lots of spices its underlying theme is to make you aware of what you are as a person. As most of our close friends are going to graduate this year me and my friend who have one more year to go decided to have it this year itself cause they know much about us. May be sometimes more than what we know of ourself. Now you may see this seems a very regular stuff but the details shared here cannot be shared beyond it. Me and my friend had a quote to say about it "Things which are shared and revealed in Valfi remain in Valfi". Certain details are too lewd and personal to share beyond that forum but everybody just let their defences down for that one day and pour their hearts out. Mind you all this is recorded on camera and given to everyone as a token to remember(so you can watch it with special permission). It marks as a reminder to everyone that no matter how much they fool the world outside their are a few people who know their little secrets and what they are. This in a way strengthens your bond with your friends cause you know that you can trust upon them no matter what and that they will be their standing by you on any given day. It is something you should do with your friends from all circles once in a lifetime so that you can share things that you generally wouldn't.

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