Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Placement Team: IPT

There are two perspectives among general population about being a placement team member.

1- They get the perks and they have personal contact with companies so they get placed easily.
2- They are a group of cranky people who are working for other people for no specific reason.

I would go ahead and endorse the second one but people may have their own version that will fit into one of the two categories. The overall sense is either aw or disgust for an IPT member. 
In this team which slowly turns into a close group of friends there are some talented and super talented who should not only be respected but revered for their passion, dedication, .... several things. It becomes such a good learning experience looking at all this promising people working hard around you, no-one is payed, it’s a voluntary activity still people spend majority of their time on this.

When people start cooperating at every level without any distinction or difference you know that you will deliver, when the overall mood of the team is of trust and jubilant you know you are into something sacred. When you see one team member supporting other to achieve something big and people start taking up responsibilities for which they were never accountable you know it’s turning into something big.

It’s still mid-way and might be a premature but after first few grueling days starting at Day zero you start to see people mature, from subdued to confident and from i to us. They stand up to the challenges because they know that they have people standing behind them who will catch them when the falter. It’s such a great feeling to be a part of something like this. 
The best part of being an IPT member is when you finally disclose the result to someone, especially when you already know how much it means to them. This feeling is almost blissful.
Being a part of IPT is not only fulfilling but also an enormous learning experience. You get to experience so much it becomes very very satisfying. 
We still have Phase-II to carry on but I am positive that it would be as good as Phase-I

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